Sites and accounts that are full of Junsu stuff and translations!
- Draculatranslations Website for all the official musical MVs I've subbed that were taken off youtube >:( includes Dracula and Xcalibur videos, with possibly more in the future (I originally made it just for Dracula vids that were taken down hence the name)
- Link Full Xcalibur script translated in english translated by me, linked to the post with info on how to contact me for the PDF
- 김준수 XIAKim Junsu's offical youtube channel! Unfortunately since Youtube removed fan submitted subtitles most videos aren't subbed, but some older ones are
- JuJu_XIA준수 English Translations and subtitles of musicals (mostly Dracula and Xcalibur)
- JuJu_XIA - International Junsu Fan Page A general fan page with lots of videos, recently changed owners
- withXIA Full of miscellaneous concert vids and clips, some subtitled
- JYJENGSUB JYJ fan account but has many subbed videos featuring Junsu (Highly reccomend watching JYJ's Fruitful Trip)
- 너와 나의 황금별 Lots of various videos, some subbed, updated fairly often
- JYJsubs A Dailymotion account with subbed older videos from when JYJ was active
- junsu translated A Vimeo account with lots of junsu's newer activites subbed